Thursday, May 15, 2014

The pepper and the glow stick.

Me and my mom both absolutely love salt. We put it on everything we eat. 
"You want some green beans?"
"Yeah, let me put some salt on them"
"How about some chicken?"
"I've gotta have salt on it."
"I've got some cake left in here, do you want a piece?"
"Yeah, but sprinkle some salt on it...."

Haha just kidding about the last one, but no really we love salt. It's to the point that people have started to worry about my mom and how much she has. Our love for salt is a little over the top, but it got me thinking about scripture tonight. 

We all know the bible verse, "You are the salt and that light of the world..." 
But do we really live that out? 
Do even really know what that means? 
Because I know, if I'm being honest, I feel more like the pepper and the glow stick.

As I said earlier, salt is a bad habit of mine (and yes, I know it's bad and all that... Blah blah blah) but it's a seasoning and it flavors our food that's why we like it so much. It enhances our food and that's just what Christians are supposed to do. We should enhance the people and society around us. Why do we have to live such boring, bland lives when we could add a little pizazz to it! 
Salt has also been used a preservative.  Christians should act in the same manor. We should resist the corruption and the decay of this world, preserving a godly influence in our society. 
And lastly, salt also creates thirst. Have you ever had one of those delicious soft pretzels with the big chunks of salt on them? I usually lick the salt off before I eat it, but do you know what I want right after that? A drink! And not just a little sip.  I could down a whole 48 oz cup of something after I eat one of those. Salt creates the need for a drink, just as Christians, through their good example, should create a desire, a thirst, for Jesus.  

We should be the salt! 

1 comment:

  1. I think this is wonderful !!! Hope to see more.... :)
